Thursday, 31 October 2013


Its been a year since I was out on track with my car Nessy!

Thats a picture form Tynagh last year, I even put some Halloween decoration on ha

Its amazing how fast time is flying, especially if you enjoy doing your life/hobbies/project/etc.

Two days ago I was up in the unit again and the time just flew by.
I'm at least always 4-5 hours up even though it feels like only one!

I'm not fully finished with everything I wanted to to within my 3 months plan :( Only a little is left, so that should be done soon enough!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

what is left to do?

If you followed my previous posts, you might understand why I will write following now.

Until the end of October I have following stuff left to do:

- get a new gasket
- get 2 horns (1 standard, 1 funny one)
- might get new power steering pump
- fit turbo timer
- fix/fix dump valve
- fit killswitch
- fit liquid bottle for windscreen stuff

Christ some list, and its the 16th already!

Lets see what I can get done :)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Wash and polish

She got a good wash (actually 3!) and a sweet nice polish :)

The pics dont really show how good it looks but for now she sits all cleaned up (finally) in the unit and awaits more stuff done to her :D

More updates to follow!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

she's alive!

Yesterday was a good (and long) day in the unit again.
After I collected everything I needed (still more stuff to get) and did what I wanted to do, I put back together a few parts, to start her up again. (big thanks to my other half)

So after 9 months I finally heard her lovely roaring again!

I was so happy (and very unpatient), it took as a good while to jump start the oul, dead battery.

My 3-months plan will end this month, a bit of work is left to do.

Tomorrow she will get a gooooood clean/wash and polish so that she looks like a nice car again. All the dust and dirt from the last track day are still on her :O

But this will change and hopefully I can provide you with a few nice pics tomorrow!

I also cant wait to present you my list and archievment at the end of the month (regarding the 3 month plan).

When do I finally learn to get patient.....
